Personnel Policy

The company provides its employees with a great deal of social support. At the moment, the company has roughly 500 employees. Approximately half of them fall into groups II and III for disabilities. Employees of the Company are entitled to a generous social package under the terms of the 2015 Collective Agreement between the trade union organization and the management of the company. Employees are covered by a system of equitable compensation, health insurance for oil workers and their families, and a number of other social and other benefits.

The economic growth of the plant allowed the refinery to fully fulfill its obligations to the staff, including offering them all guarantees and privileges. This led directly to the development of social policy. A collective agreement has been struck between Gazkop Wilchwy SP ZOO and the labor collective. The Labor Code is strictly adhered to in terms of labor remuneration. Taking into account the Refinery’s continuous operations and hazardous working circumstances, take into account:

  • In order to diminish impact of harmful (hazardous) operation factors on health of employees, for some certain categories of employees it is foreseen reduced working hours – 36 hours a week;
  • There are additional payments to tariff rates and salaries in the amount of 4% up to 16% for work with especially harmful, harmful and heavy labor conditions;
  • Higher payment to be paid for work in night time, during holidays and days-off;
  • Additional vacation time is granted (up to 12 calendar days), which duration is according to actual business of an employee on the works subject to additional vacation;
  • There are extra payments for multi-skilling and performance of duties of temporarily absent employees.

Three local normative acts have been drafted and passed locally to control employee compensation, vacation time, and social benefits: the Labor Remuneration Rules, the Social Support Rules, and the Leave Provision. Employees of Gazkop Wilchwy SP ZOO are entitled to a social package funded by the company in addition to legal benefits. This package consists of the following:

  • Health insurance of employees;
  • Material assistance for health improvement by annual labor leave;
  • Extra payment for temporary incapacity allowance (if employee is absent due to incapacity for more than one month);
  • Payment for vacation allowance on pregnancy and childbirth exclusive of social payment amount in case of loss of income due to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Partial compensation of food cost for employee;
  • Partial compensation of expenses for leased accommodation for invited employees (young specialists);
  • Monthly payment to employees who are on maternity leave until their child are 1,5 years old;

Funds have been put aside to assist the plant’s retired workers as well as to organize cultural and sporting events for the employees’ and their children’s summer vacation. Environments that support employee life, work, and play are carefully designed throughout the refinery. The employees take cozy buses to work. Every employee has access to excellent special attire, personal safety equipment, and well-organized medical and food services.

There is a health station at the refinery. Employees have the option to get continuous medical care and any required physical examinations whenever it is most convenient for them. Physicians with a great deal of expertise and experience are taking care of them. An intensive care unit and paramedic ambulance team are on call twenty-four hours a day. The health station has all the necessary first aid supplies and drugs. All the necessary contemporary equipment, such as an oxygen apparatus, breathing apparatus, vacuum splints, pulse oximeter, defibrillator, ECG recorder, and an intensive care bag, is available in a mobile intensive care unit.